all measurements can be entered as whole numbers or as decimals (fractions will not work). do not round your measurements; be as precise as you can!
it does not matter whether you use inches or centimeters - just use the same one for all four measurements.
- using whatever needles and yarn you want to use for your socks, knit a swatch: a 40-stitch x 20-row swatch in the round will give you the most accurate gauge, but you can do a flat 20-stitch x 20-row swatch if you prefer
- measure a 10-stitch span of the swatch (laid flat) and enter its width into the appropriate box
- measure a 10-row span of the swatch (laid flat) and enter its length into the appropriate box
- measure the circumference of the middle of the foot that you're making a sock for and enter it into the appropriate box; note that the calculator gives the circumference of your sock slight negative ease (5%) to prevent baggy socks
- measure the length of the foot you're making a sock for, standing flat, from the tip of the big toe to the tip of the heel, and enter it into the appropriate box
- hit "calculate"
- mark down the output on your copy of the every possible* sock pattern and get knitting!